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Problem solving process

1. identification,


2. analysis,


3. solution proposal including scenario analysis of alernative solutions – value/risk/effort/cost/probability/impact,


4. implementation/guidance,


5. risk management/protection.

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We are specialists in following areas:


-M&A advisory – project management including risk management, tax&legal implications and execution,

-risk management – country, system (politics, macroeconomics, tax&legal environment), enterprise, business, finance, country, market (foreign exchange, interest rates, commodities, credit, capital markets), counterparty, trade, transportation, accident, …,

-deal structuring including valuation, risk, financing, tax, accounting and legal advisory,

-asset/investment management and protection,

-how to achieve no excess VAT deduction,

-relationship with financial institutions,

-treasury – financing, cash management and financial risk management,

-client´s exposure analysis and risk management, establishment of financial strategy and appropriate product structuring – cash flow hedging, foreign exchange, interest rate, commodity and credit exposure management

-company restructuring.

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