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Problem solving process

1. identification,


2. analysis,


3. solution proposal including scenario analysis of alernative solutions – value/risk/effort/cost/probability/impact,


4. implementation/guidance,


5. risk management/protection.

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Our general goal is significant enhancement of project value with no or limited additional financial cost and conservative risk management through:

-image enhancement and direct marketing,

-implementation of quality standards, legal status, rules, infrastructure and new services,

-complying with law and

-effective financial, risk and tax management.


We always start with analysis of current status of the project which results into preparation of detailed action plan for development process till full finalization in the following areas:


-Project development in phases

-Image enhancement and satisfaction of existing clients and investors (different groups have different needs and goals – usually it is possible to satisfy all of them with no or limited financial costs)

-Marketing – active approach to potential clients with attractive parameters and marketing story – to address all potential questions and parameters for comparison with alternatives

-Infrastructure and services including price calculation for services or products

-Property management – purchase/sale or rent, production or distribution management, risk management/insurance

-Financial risk management and financing – Is the project a real EUR, USD or other currency asset?

-What is the influence of financial markets development (EUR/USD ...) on project value? What are the appropriate financing currency, period and type of interest rate?

-Policies implementation and coordination of departments, deals and processes

-Human resources and corporate technology standards

-Other recommendations including implementation of new technologies

-Investment portfolio establishment and management – investment into financial and capital markets as well as into direct projects in different areas – development, production, technology, transportation, retail, ... (investment plan only in case of free cash available or after revenue generation from the project)

and continue with consequential execution.

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